How to contact us

We currently communicate by email, to email us simply click on the highlighted text and it will open your email editor, we aim to respond as quickly as we can, but please remember everyone here is a  volunteer,

Our phone number goes straight to an answerer phone which is checked regularly and one of our volunteers will respond as soon as possible

The number to dial is 07856 513841

To contact the relevant volunteer please click on the bold coloured text.

PBDHS Chair.  To contact the present Chair of the Society.

Education    To book a group visit or make an enquiry.

Enquiries  To ask a question about the Museum, its collections or to ask a general or historic question, we do not undertake family history enquiries.

Membership,  To check your membership of the PB&DHS. To apply please use form on membership page.

Publications  To place an order for some of our publications or to make an enquiry.

Webmaster  Any questions about the web site.